Happy Earth Day 2022

What exactly is Earth Day? Earth Day is an annual event held on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The first Earth day was held on April 22 1970, which set the tone for a lifelong movement. Now Earth day is being celebrated globally by more than 1 billion people across 193 countries which is coordinated by ErathDay.org

Curious to know the themes from the past? Take a look below!

  • 2021 – Restore Our Earth : focused on natural processes, emerging green technologies and innovative thinking to restore the world’s ecosystems.
  • 2020 – Climate Action : depicted the challenges of the ongoing climate crisis and urged people to take action against climate change.
  • 2019 – Protect Our Species : highlighted the ways in which human activities played a major role in the destruction of species and their homes.
  • 2018 – End Plastic Pollution : illustrated the severity of the plastic problem and how it impacted the environment and human health.
  • 2017 – Environmental and Climate Literacy : brought attention to the dire need that environmental and climate literacy needs to be taught, to ensure that the next generation can implement policies and advance towards a greener future.
  • 2016 – Trees for the Earth! : focused on the millions of trees being destroyed for human needs. The goal is to plant 7.8 billion trees by 2020.
  • 2015 – It’s Our Turn to Lead : demanded commitment from businesses, governments, activists, and citizens to protect the environment.
  • 2014 – Green Cities : called for cities to have better public transportation systems to ensure that they are accessible and to restore the Earth’s green colours.
  • 2013 – The Face of Climate Change : aimed to display the real-life harsh truths of how the climate crisis is slowly changing the Earth.
  • 2012 – Mobilize the Earth : highlighted that every single person should be responsible for protecting the Earth, together we are stronger.

Read the other half of the list

  • 2011 – Clear the Air : invited people to take a step towards cleaner and greener air by reverting from activities that produce air pollution.
  • 2010 – A Billion Acts of Green : emphasized that even small sustainable changes will contribute to a bigger change of protecting the planet.
  • 2009 – How Do You Get Around : put people into thinking about how they can find ways to reduce the effects of climate change.
  • 2008 – Trees Please : urged people to protect trees as they were rapidly decreasing.
  • 2007 – Be Kind to the Earth : explained how the Earth offers us a lot but we need to give back to Earth and be more careful in the way that we use natural resources which are scarce.
  • 2006 – Science and Faith : pointed out how people need to have more faith in science and take the climate change readings more seriously by trusting in more sustainable practices.
  • 2005 – Healthy Environment for Children : aimed to inspire everyone to protect the planet to ensure that the other generations can thrive.

Invest In Our Planet ????

Each year there is a different theme that highlights the ongoing issues, this year the theme is “ Invest In Our Planet ”. #InvestInOurPlanet is a worldwide calling for businesses, governments, and citizens to say that there is no better time than NOW to take action to change the business climate, and the political climate to move forward towards a prosperous future. Everyone has a role in preserving and protecting our health in symbiosis with the planet. It’s time that everyone is accounted for their actions!

Like natural resources, time is scarce. But with the right approach and solutions, we can make do with the time we have and revert the climate crisis.

What do you want? Scroll down to find information about activities, events and things you can do as an individual to make a difference (every day).

Want to make a contribution on Earth Day? Here’s how you can do your part!

  1. Participate in a beach clean
  2. Plant a tree
  3. Buy a bag for life – no more single-use plastic bags!
  4. Refrain from eating meat
  5. Walk or ride a bike (more frequently)
  6. Use public transportation
  7. Give up chewing gum!
  8. Shop locally eg at the farmer’s market
  9. Buy a reusable water bottle
  10. Stop using plastic straws
  11. Switch all of your bills to paperless
  12. Start a compost in your garden
  13. Spread the word!

This list could go on and on! Let us know what activity you recommend that others should do for Earth Day

Events happening on Earth Day 2022

City/State Event date Time cost
Birmingham, AL Earth Day at the Gardens 4/23/22 10:00-14:00 Free
Anchorage, AK Earth Day Community Plant Swap 4/22/22 14:30-17:00 $5
Sedona, AZ Earth Day Celebration at Red Rock State Park 4/24/22 10:00-14:00 $4
Fountain Hills, AZ ReCyle ReCreate Earth Day Celebration 4/22/22 17:00-19:00 Free
Fayetteville, AR Earth Day Festival 4/24/22 13:00-17:00 $10
San Francisco, CA Earth Day San Francisco 4/23/22 11:00-19:00 Free
San Diego Earth Fair 2022 4/24/22 10:00-17:00 Free
Longmont, CO Earth Day Celebration 4/23/22 10:00-15:00 Free
Hamden, CT Hamden Earth Day 4/23/22 10:00-15:00 Free
Dover, DE Drive Electric Earth Day 4/23/22 16:00-19:00 Free
Miami, FL Miami Beach Clean Up 4/23/22 09:00-12:00 Free
Orlando, FL Central Florida Earth Day 4/23/22 10:00-18:00 Free
Atlanta, GA Earth Day 4/22/22 10:00-12:00 Free
Honolulu, HI Earth Day 5K 4/23/22 09:00-12:00 $16
Driggs, ID Teton Valley Earth Day Celebration 4/22/22 16:00-19:00 Free
Springfield, IL Earth Awareness Fair 4/23/22 11:00-16:00 Free
Indianapolis, IN Earth Day Indiana Festival 6/4/22 11:00-17:00 Free

Clear Lake, IA

Outdoor Fest 4/21/22-4/23/22 09:00-19:00 Free
Gardner, K.S Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration 4/23/22 10:00 a.m Free
Louisville, KY Party for the Plant 4/24/22 10:00-17:00 $8.25
New Orleans, LA The Recycling Challenge 4/22/22-4/23/22 09:00-17:00 $10
Windsor Mill, MD Earth Day Celebration 4/23/22 10:00-13:00 Free
Framingham, MA Framingham Earth Day Festival 4/23/22 11:00-15:00 Free
Royal Oak, MI Climate March, Rally, & Fair 4/23/22 10:00-13:00 Free
Minneapolis, MN Celebrate Earth Day 4/22/22 4:00 PM-6:00 PM Free
Summit, MS 2022 Earth Day Fest 4/23/22 09:00-15:00 Free
Columbia, MO Columbia Area Earth Day Festival 4/24/22 12:00-19:00 Free
Missoula, MT Invest In Our Planet 4/23/22 14:00-18:00 Free
Omaha, NE Earth Day Omaha 4/23/22 11:00-18:00 Free
Las Vegas, NV Earth Day Festival and Plant Sale 4/23/22 10:00-16:00 $10
Auburn, NH Earth Day Celebration 4/23/22 10:00-16:00 $10-15
Egg Harbor Township, NJ ACUA Earth Day 4/24/22 10:00-16:00 Free
Taos, N.M Earth Day Festival 4/22/22-4/23/22 10:00-19:00 Free
Raleigh, N.C Earth Day 2022 4/22/22 18:00-22:00 Free
Bismarck, N.D Earth Day Festival 4/26/22 16:00-19:00 Free
Columbus, OH Earth Day Columbus 4/23/22 12:00-19:00 Free
Norman okay Earth Day Festival  4/24/22 12:00-17:00 Free

Bend, OR

Earth Day Fair & Parade 4/23/22 09:00-12:00 Free
Haverford, PA Earth Day Celebration 4/23/22 TBD TBD
Philadelphia, PA Office of Sustainability’s Earth Day Event 4/22/22 17:00-19:00 Free
Wayne, PA Park Stewardship for Earth Day 4/23/22 09:00-10:30 Free
Newport County, RI Aquadneck Island Earth Week 4/16/22-4/26/22 multiple times Free
Sumter, SC Earth Day Celebration 4/23/22 07:30-12:00 Free
Pierre, SD Good Earth Day 4/23/22 14:00-16:00 Free
Nashville, TN Nashville Earth Day 4/23/22 11:00-18:00 Free
Austin, TX Earth Day Austin 4/23/22 12:00-18:00 Free
Quechee, VT VINS Earth Day 2022 4/23/22 10:00-17:00 $17.50
Alexandria, VA Alexandria Earth Month Celebration Month of April multiple times Varieties by event
Edmonds, WA Earth Day Marina Beach Park Clean Up 4/23/22 10:00-12:00 Free
Morgantown, WV Earth Day Celebration 4/22/22 11:00-15:00 Free
Madison, WI Earth Day Challenge 4/23/22 10:00-12:00 Free
Casper, WY Earth Day 4/22/22 09:30-16:00 Free

Let us know how you celebrated Earth Day by commenting down below and don’t forget to include #InvestInOurPlanet! Have a great Earth Day 2022!

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